Maria Magdalena

Blanche - Negre

Sunrise line 22/7 inside the church

Star constellations 22/7

Maria Magdalena

July 22 is Mary Magdalene saint-day.

The sunrise that day connects the church with heaven - as above, so below.

From Rennes le Chateau the sun rises over the small hilltop Caziopie. The direction is 61 °.

The line goes from Lucifer, through the two tabs on the sounding board of preaching chair and out through the northeast window in the choir. The line continues through the menhiren / standing stone "Roc Blanc", barely three kilometers from Rennes le Chateau, and again further into the countryside to end at Caziopie.

The same day, at sunrise are the three constellations Cephus, Cassiopeia and Andromeda together near the Zenith. It is no coincidence that it is precisely the three as Cephus is the father, the mother Cassiopeia and Andromeda is the child. So we have precisely on Mary Magdalene feastday the Trinity just above us.

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